Todays Fun Monday is hosted by Pamela at The Dust Will Wait here was her challenge for this week!
As the host of today's Fun Monday I got to choose the topic. I said: I want to see what you see on any given morning this week; from somewhere very near where you live. Front porch, back porch, down the street, around the corner. Just makes sure it's your neighborhood. Post a photo that will send me to the travel agent to book a weekend at your local Bed & Breakfast.
I was excited about this weeks challenge cause those of you who already read my blog know how much I like to share pictures of our new home in Ketchikan Alaska! I had shared so many pictures though I wanted to take some different shots of our new home in the woods. Of course it won't be one photo, nope I've got several!
We will start by walking out the front door this is the first thing you see from that door. Yes stairs and lots of them. Its really not so bad though it is definetly helping me with working on losing some excess weight. I definetly get my excercize walking up and down those stairs.
The weather is getting colder quick right now lets zoom into the thermometer up there in the left upper corner shall we?That would be 42 degrees Farenheit. That was todays high temp . It's just the beginning of October and its getting chilly!
Okay now that we've gotten past the temp of the day and the flight of stairs we can take a break if that was to tiring and have a seat at the top.....hehe I think it's funny we don't ever actually sit there but we do drop things off there to take back down the stairs.
Okay have you had your break from the stairs? Okay now we have the trail to the driveway/garage anyway where we keep the cars. Yes folks its a trail. Do you see why I'm actually starting to lose weight here? It's a beautiful walk although I do not go anywhere at night by myself because I'm afraid of bears people!
If you feel a little hungry on the way why not stop for some red huckleberries? Ask Kenzie she loves them but they don't last long with her around so if you want any you better pick them when you see them! Even though there are tons of them around in our woods.
When you get past the huckleberries and to the driveway this is what you see across the street.
Now look to your left.....
Now to your right....
Umm do you see the cage thing at the bottom of the picture above?
Here's a closer look...
That would be where we are supposed to put out garbage for pick up. It closes up tight so the bears can't get into our garbage. We don't use it though we take all our garbage up to the dumpster at Kellys work like the other 4 people who work there do. Less likely to atract bears that way!
Okay now I'll take you back to the house here are the woods "in front" of our house. You see they can be a little creepy at night, when its dark, and you can't see.....
Lets go around to the other side of the house and I'll show you where we get our water. You see we live in a rainforest rains alot. We don't have water service out here so most houses instead of having a well we have these big containers that catch the water off of our roof from the rain. The water goes through one filter for regular things like washing clothes, showering, dishes, etc.... and 2 filters for our drinking water. It's actually really good and tastes better then most bottled water you can find. Not a bit of chemical tastes or that nasty chlorine taste the water in Portland had.
More of the woods around our house this is kind of to the side also.
Here is a video from the backyard. Sorry it's a bit shaky not sure why but sometimes I get like that.
Untitled from my4kidsdunn on Vimeo.
56 people had something to say:
bears won't keep me away.
I betcha got BIGFOOT, too.
That is a lot of salt water, even if it is "The Narrows"
Does the tide flow through with a lot of action. What was that thing swimming in the water?
Beautiful, breathtaking.
Wonderful pictures again,Terri!Very nice video and a wonderful view from your house to the sea.
Now if I didnt know how cold it actually gets there! You might find me camping on your doorstep! Did I say camping? No way, more likely you will find me curled up near your feet somewhere!
Beautiful, Beautiful home! Lucky You!
Beautiful, but a few too many people for my liking! Ha ha ha! How close is the nearest neighbour? Have you been there through a winter?
Terri, I luv your commentary of your 'stunningly beautiful' location.
As for the bears - just 'sing' as you walk - sure they will get the message......
Must admit those stairs - are kinda 'disturbing' - any chance of a 'lift'... Actually every time I see such stairs - I think of the song 'Stairway to Heaven' - not just yet - I hope...
Enjoyed reading and viewing such a delightful post.
Oh STUNNING!!!! Boy color me jealous...what a beautiful neighborhood.
Beautiful and tranquil. So quiet looking!
Love the pics - you are so lucky Terri! :-)
Oh cod if I can ever convince Josh to move I'm so coming to live with you. Even with the crazy hike to go anywhere. :)
That so has to be good for your heart. Both physically and emotionally!
Very jealous right now!
I was going to say that it must be murder trying to get groceries in the house, what with the trail and the stairs and all, but then I saw the view
I want to book my trip immediately!
WOW WOW i am speechless, that is heaven i am sure
I love seeing pictures of your new home.
nice fall colors here! YIKES BEARS!~ Lion and Tigers and bears ... oh my!
I love the total beauty of your house in the woods on the island, but 42 degrees is WAY too cold for me, let alone what you'll be getting come Dec. Am still trying to remember to send Maddie card. Brain tatoo please work this week. I'm really not this forgetful, am I??
My husband would LOVE to move to Alaska, I'm going to have to show him these photos.
I'd be scared of the bears for sure too, and wouldn't leave my garbage to tempt them either.
The photo of the Narrows is absolutely the most calming photo I've ever seen.
You do live in a very beautiful place.I'm so jealous we don't have views like yours living in Arizona.
Oh my gosh, your view is the one I want the most to go and visit! Just breathtakingly beautiful. Great pictures and thank you so much. I did not realize how much I missed the trees till I saw yours.
fabulous post! very well done!
being a bit of a "city girl", i don't think i could live near you - but i'd definitely love to visit. The Narrows is gorgeous - and i can imagine how calming it is. i'd love that!
Envious doesn't even begin to describe what I feel right now. Although I have to wonder...if this house isn't brand new, where are the previous tenants? Surely they would not have moved from such a beautiful setting. Was it the bears? ;-) Please invite me to come visit.
Except for the bears and maybe the 42 degrees, I am so jealous. You live in paradise except for the bears and cooler temperatures.
Much different views that you had before, that's for sure! Gorgeous, really! I think I would just step outside and breathe in the fresh air all day long.
OMG, can I be your neighbor? Forget the B&B! It looks to me like you moved to heaven.
It's just beautiful. I'm not so sure I'd want to deal with bears, but other than that...heaven.
it is so stunning... really makes me want to come to Alaska!
sent Maddie another post card from the World of Coke in Atlanta. PapaT picked it up for her.
Oh I just LOVE the last photo that is breath taking! So calming! I loved all of your photos! Thanks for the tour!
Beautiful pictures. The water looks so calm.
That is absolutely spectacular. I didn't think it could get any better than those stairs, and then there was the rest of it. Still, the stairs - I think there must have been a setting like that in a book from my childhood. It just looks magical and inviting. Thanks for sharing!
I would live there in a heartbeat, even if I did have to hike a mile to my car every day. :) So, when can I come and visit?
I would live there in a heartbeat, even if I did have to hike a mile to my car every day. :) So, when can I come and visit?
Wow you really live in paradise. What a great environment and a great view you have. Great pictures
Yeah not sure on the bears here. However what an absolutely stunning place you live in!
From Portland to Alaska. What a change! It looks great, though. Love the greenery.
Thanks for sharing and checkin out my blog!
40 degrees? I'm so jealous! I love winter and we don't have much of it in Alabama. It was 93 here today.
I mailed my postcard last week. I hope Madison has received it and gets tons more! I would have been so excited to participate in something like that when I was a kid.
Your surroundings there are beautiful. I'd so pack up and move there if not for the kiddo having his grandparents here.
I'll say it again, you have a gorgeous place. I forgot to mention your last post, congratulations on losing weight. I got a little motion sickness watching the video, but I got to see your red siding. Sirdar and I are considering getting red siding when we redo our siding.
I would imagine it would be similar to our island state of Tasmania.... a bit colder and we don't have bears.... truly beautiful.
Absolutely amazing! You must keep updating as the weather gets colder! I am very curious as to how much snow, does the water freeze? I am so intrigued that you "live in a rain forest". Who knew Alaska was a rain forest??!!?!
Dazzling! Now I want Pamela to do a "what you see on a winter morning".
What DO you see on a winter morning?
Ooh! I want to come for a visit! It is sooo beautiful there. I've always wanted to visit Alaska--well once I learned it isn't all snow and blinding whiteness.
I LOVE Alaska !
I've been to Ketchican but as a tourist.
I want to come visit you as a guest...for about a month.
Great post.
My thermometer is sitting exactly on 42 degrees this morning.
Just plain awesome! I am jealous! It is so beautiful!!
What a great place to live. We visited Ketchikan when we went on a cruise two years ago. I loved it. I liked your video, what a great add to your post. I am trying to find the cord to connect my camcorder to my computer. Now I see the connection in the little childhood song,"Playmate" has: "Oh, oh, my playmate, come out and play with me, and bring your dollies three, climb up my apple tree, climb down my rainbarrel, climb up my cellar door, and we'll be jolly friends, forevermore! The rainbarrel you have must be what the song was talking about. Neat.
Absolutely beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing!
Beautiful home and I would love a postcard from Alaska since I probably won't ever get there in my lifetime.
Beautiful place :)
What a beautiful place you live in! The temps here have been quite chilly in the mornings.
I would love to see your place in the winter. I love the North!!! :)
What a serene environment - I just love the woods and the water - even though I feel like a city girl! I am anxious to see what it's like in the winter. Those trees will look beautiful with the snow.
Your backyard is beautiful! It's not often you hear someone say they have bears in their backyard! It looks so peaceful over there!
Gorgeous. You could pick one of those and do worldless wednesday too!
This is incredi-gorgeous, and I love your explanations. I LOVE this post and will be moving next door veddy, veddy soon.
WOW! Terri..50 comments!!! woohoo...
I love your place..even with the walk...unless you leave late, it would be beautiful! You must be loving that fresh smell when you step outside!! Not only the smell of the bush but the water also..
you mentioned losing weight with those's no wonder!!! ;)They'd sure be a good workout! I need some of those outside my door.:D
take care ~Heather
Loved all the photos! (They are a bit different from the Chicago photos I just posted, LOL!)
I think you had the most comments for Fun Monday that I saw!
Totally amazing!!
I just loved this tour of the area around your home, and seeing the video was great. When can I book a holiday!!
I love the pictures. You have such a beautiful view. I'm so jealous. Not about the bears though!!
Love the pictures. I can just picture you sittin on the deck looking at the ocean. What a wonderful place to live.
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