7the birthday party picture at a pizza parlor with a play area. The bear he is holding he got out of one of those machines where you try to pick them up. Only cost him $10 at 25 cents a try. If anything you've got to say this kid was determined!
His all time best friend Conner and him during the party. These 2 boys are 2 years apart but they are like 2 peas in a pod and if there is trouble they were very good at finding it! Conner really misses Joshua now that we've moved and the same goes for Joshua.
7 was a much better year for Joshua. In the sense he didn't get any major injuries or illnesses. Thats always a good thing around here. The only thing that happened on the health front was that we finally had vision insurance for everyone through Kelly's work and decided we should get the kids eyes all checked since the year before we had found out Madison had some issues with her eyes. Izzak and Kenzie were fine but were surprised to find out that Joshua had some crossing of his eyes and a lazy eye. How did we miss that? I have no idea. I can see it sometimes in pictures we have of him that are more close up but not as obvious as when Madisons was diagnosed. Of course I felt like somehow I'd missed something and did the typical momma guilt trip. Fortunatly for him he just needed to patch the one eye for a few months and the lazy eye corrected itself. As for the crossing he now got to wear fancy new bifocals! I thought it would be hard when Maddie wore them at 2 but a 7 year old can be a lot more difficult. Joshua is also an exception this kid has so much energy he can barely keep them on and is constantly breaking them. Oh and we tried the unbreakable kind......uhm yeah give them to the right kid and they will break! He had to prove it could be done.
His teacher was pretty good though she seemed to be able to redirect his activities most of the time at least when he was in her view of sight! Back to the academic portion though. Really he did well he loved school and learning things and picked most things up like it was nothing. His favorite of course was show and tell because he is not shy at all he was right in place standing in front of a room of kids with almost anything he pulled out of his room and usually had the rest of the class laughing with his antics explaining why he liked that item.
Kenzie will be turning 9 in 9 days now also. Hope you all don't mind but I will be posting about her as well but I will post pictures from her first year later in the day.
7 people had something to say:
Away to go "Joshua" .....
I had to laugh of the note too " My mum thinks you're sexy"....
I would have creased up laughing too....
He sure is the All American Action Boy... and with artistic talent to prove it .. even if it is in the loo's ;)
at least he is creative! :)
the note is hilarious!!!
I wasn't sure if the activity in the bathroom was a myth because I've heard this happening before. After reading this though I know it's true~ he was probably competing with others!!
He is a creative little boy!Nice pictures again!
We were fortunate, our boy didn't need classes. He did however break his sister's glasses, so there were no glasses for a couple years, not quite a necessity or we would have got them. Now she is reading more, we got her some last week. Sounds like a bright kid but a handful.
That note is way too funny!!!
I love the note. LOL!!!
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