Wednesday, November 29, 2006

All I want for Christmas is my 3 front teeth? Kenzies birthday and this and that

So it looks like Madison is trying to see how many teeth she can ask Santa for this year since she has lost another (basically) front tooth do you like the picture she wanted me to post? It is a little scary isn't it?

This one isn't so bad but she really wanted the one where you can really see. The one on the other side on the bottom is loose also so we may be looking at 4 teeth for Christmas, Santa will have to speak to the Tooth Fairy or Dentist I'm not sure.

I feel bad after posting the pictures of newborn Joshua on his birthday then didn't get anything posted for Kenzie's 8th which is just as special, after all she wasn't supposed to be, the drs didn't think I could carry another pregnancy due to all the damage to my uterus from Joshua's birth she is also my miracle baby! (of course they all are for different reasons. This picture was taken at my sisters house. She saw the kids for the first time in 8 years on Kenzies Birthday (long story) she had never met Madison and last time she saw Kenzie she was about 3 months old! When we planed the day we would come over I realized it was her birthday and my sister offered to make her a cake! We had a really good visit and played games with the
kids. My sister has 3 children my nephew Roger is 22 and I have to say
cute now that he has grown up he has a girlfriend and she is pretty lucky but better be good to him! She also has 2 girls Veronica is 19 and Alyson is 10 like Joshua it is funny because they were both preemies in the same year but she was only 17 ozs (1 lb 1 oz) at birth, very tiny, she is the one sitting next to Kenzie inthe front as you can see she grew out of that tiny size almost more then Joshua he is still little.

We drove up to Washington to visit my friend Cori for Thanksgiving this year. We had fun although Izzak and Kenzie both ended up sick. I think some of it is Kenzie got car sick on the ride up and she just takes forever to get over that. Can you tell in the picture how happy she is to be riding. This is her picture of her covering her mouth to convince her tummy to feel better, that is what she says she is doing in the picture anyway. I just like the way she looks looking out the window of the truck watching the world go by.

Madison out of her car seat and looking at me saying "can we get out of the car now? I am done driving." I thought it was cute. She looks really tired though also but perked right up when we got out of the truck.

On Monday (I think) we got snow and the kids were really excited they to go out and play in the snow there wasnt a lot but enough for them to throw some snowballs at each other and get their hopes about a snow day, although that didn't happen since it was almost completely gone when they woke up. We are expecting freezing rain tonight and the roads to be icy so I suppose they still have a chance for a snow day this week.
I love snow so I wouldn't mind if we
had a good snow this year for at least a little bit since it never really snows a lot here in Portland, but we do have the occasional "Winter Snow or Ice Event" as the news calls it. So there is most of the last weeks events I am sure I could say more but don't want to bore anyone to much. That and I really don't need a detailed account of every week some of it could just as well be forgotten.

3 people had something to say:

Becci said...

LOL love the toothless picture on the top!

my4kids said...

I thought so to. Isn't it attractive? lol. Really Maddie is the one who insisted on it.

purple_kangaroo said...

Happy birthday to your sweet girl. I love the toothless photo.