So it is official Madison and now ask Santa for 4 teeth this Christmas. After I got a couple of comments about the first picture in my last post I wanted to show this one first, she really is a caracter isn't she?
Oh and she is only playing wiht the pacifier we were looking in her box of baby stuff earlier and it obviously didn't get put back right away, I will have to figure out where she put it. Here are a couple of cute no teeth pictures for viewing pleasure, She is such a cutie
And another silly face!
Also yesterday Joshua and Kenzie had their belt testing for Tae Kwon Do and they both advanced
Kenzie is now officially a yellow belt and she did great not to mention she was really cute she did way better then the boy who was also testing with her in the white to yellow group.

she had really great form and she has the cutest little girl yell. I know they are supposed to sound intimidating but she is such a girly girl its cute! Although part of her belt testing is non contact sparing and I have to say the boy is lucky she wasn't supposed to hit him because she probably would have knocked him on his butt with her high kicks, boy can the girl kick high and she has some force behind it! I guess having two older brothers probably contributes to the fact she is not afraid to fight a boy. I am trying to figure out how to post the video clip of her sparing but need to figure out how. Any ideas?
And Joshua is now a high green belt which means he has a black stripe that runs through the center of a green belt. It was pretty cool with his also he only got his low green 2 months ago and he did awesome on his testing already and the 2 other boys testing one has been a green for a year
and the other 4 months and I think he looked the best when he was testing it is fun to watch him also because of the look on his face I love the look he gets when he is concentrating on something fully. I have a clip of part of his testing also so need to figure out how to post that as well.
Both Kenzie and Joshua in their new belts. Joshua was really proud of McKenzie for getting hers, he has been working with her to get her things down and she actually got her yellow quicker then he did.
Also Kelly came home from work in a really good mood today! He came home turned on his music and was playing with the girls most the night. I had to get pictures because since his accident almost 3 years ago these kind of occasions don't happen as often and we would like. I hope he isn't paying for the fun to much tomorrow morning but unfortunatly he probably will. I am hoping he will be fine tomorrow since we have a busy weekend!
Then we get Daddy dancing with his baby girl of course spinning her. I really love this picture its to sweet. Please ignore any mess you see, we have piles going right now trying to get things ready for Christmas decorations and a tree we are getting on Sunday!
Then we get Daddy dancing with Kenzie. I love this one also Kelly really has a sweet look on his face for his daughter and Kenzie and Maddie were loving the attention they were getting!
And of course what daddy could resist flipping the little daughter upside down? Just look at that happy face on Kenzie and Daddy!
Like I said Kelly is not always feeling up to kind of activity but when he does he definetly dotes on his kids, the boys of course are way to big for lifting and dancing with Dad would be kind of weird. They get hunting and camping trips with Dad.
1 people had something to say:
What great pictures and a great family.
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