Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lots going on...

Host unlimited photos at for FREE! Sorry I haven't been posting much lately. I know I read a post somewhere once that said you should apologize for not posting but seriously my posting has gone way down. There is just a lot of things going on basically and I don't really know how to post it or how much to say.....
Anyway I commented the other day about Izzak and my feelings about what the schools had/hadn't done for him when he was in public school. The reason for that is that he was due for recertification for being special Ed this month and they did his testing at the end of January. We got the results back about a week and a half later and they left me feeling a little depressed/sad I don't know ...... The school was telling me last year he was reading and writing at a end fourth grade level (he's in 7th) I had my doubts about it and when they did his tests they showed that the school was basically feeding me a bunch of bs. He scored at a low 2nd grade level for writing and low 3rd for reading and comprehension. Also I know he has improved since we started home schooling so where was he when he was in school? I have proof myself of how he was doing when I started and proof of his improvement since then. When I had spoke to the home school program at the beginning of the year they knew what his IEP said and asked my opinion I even said back then that I felt his abilities were more 2nd for writing and 3rd for reading so how is it that I could tell where he was with no professional teaching and the spec ed teachers in Portland would say he was so much farther ahead? Makes me think they were saying whatever they needed to say to meet their own goals instead of admitting he needed more help and working with him more. Also he saw a another dr who feels he has asbergers. His behavior and anxiety issues are something I've been trying to get him help for for years but no one really seemed to want to help.
Even with the test results being what I thought myself actually seeing that he is so far delayed is hard to swallow.... I just want him to be able to be or do whatever he wants and it scares me to think that he may not be able to. I will do what I can to help him and I never tell him he can't but it makes me sad. I feel though that I have gotten farther this year with him getting help and working with him by myself then in all these last years when I've supposedly had help from the schools. A lot of help they have been...
He's loving home schooling though and has friends we are working with him in lots of areas much differently then in the past and he is gaining confidence in himself because the work is more inline with his abilities. I love to see him excited because he got more words right in a spelling test then wrong even if he got several wrong he is seeing that he is learning things himself and that is great for him.
I will post more about some of the specifics of his testing later but I wanted to let you know what I was talking about in a previous post.

Host unlimited photos at for FREE! The other thing kid wise going on is Joshua. I know I posted this picture before but I like it. I said the other day that we have decided to most likely home school Joshua as well. I am still not saying absolutely positive I am going to do it but most likely, that makes sense doesn't it? Kelly and I went to have a conference with his teacher last week. It was good discussion with his teacher but disappointing at the same time. Not only is he not getting his work done but he is causing a lot of problems in class as well. Not bad stuff like talking back or anything just his attention span being basically nothing. She says he is popping out of his seat most times and if not out of the seat he is constantly fidgeting in it. When she leaves the class with teachers aid for things she has to take him with her because the entire rest of the class is distracted and doesn't get anything done. We have noticed his behavior (adhd behavior) having kind of gotten out of control (what control we had) lately but didn't know it was quite so bad at school. We have been working at getting things figured out with his meds he takes because the stuff he was taking is not doing anything for him anymore really and he is back to not sleeping because he can't settle down either. So we have been working with his doctor to try and figure that stuff out.

When I'm feeling frustrated with it all though I just step outside and look at whatever is beautiful to look out like this I saw the other day
Host unlimited photos at for FREE!

16 people had something to say:

frannie said...

wow! that is such an awesome load to carry... I can not imagine having all that on my shoulders and all those thoughts going on in my head... not to mention two other kids to deal with.

Terri- I feel for you. I wish that I could do something to ease your burden.

please know that you are in my mind and heart!!

Junebug said...

You're in my prayers too. It is a scary thing wondering if your kids are going to find a stable life for themselves when they grow up. I think about it all the time and my kids are 24, 22, and 20. I guess a parent always deals with this. I have to remind myself that God is good and has a good plan for each of them. Then I have to remember to leave it with Him 'cause nothing is impossible with Him.

Kila said...

Sending (((HUGS))) your way.

I bet Izzak will make good progress while being homeschooled. Hang in there. One day at a time.

ChrisB said...

Terri I so admire the way you cope with everything that comes your way. You are such a brilliant mom and even when you feel frustrated and disappointed you are still thinking of your children's best interests. They will always know they have a mom who supports them.

The sky in that photo is so beautiful.

Denise said...

Sorry Terri that things are so rough right now. Have the docs tried stratera for Joshua?

Anonymous said...

I feel for you. I am totally exhausted and overwhelmed, and I don't carry the burden you do of having the health and learning difficulties you do in your family. I admire your ability to cope and to keep going. I guess we do what we have to when faced with it, but still you are doing great. Keep up the good work.

Pamela said...

I'm going to suggest that things will get better when the nights get shorter... days get longer.

I'm a firm believer in sunshine cures a lot of dark stuff.

Heather K said...

I have to agree with Pamela..I hate the long "nights" of winter! yours must be especially long! but then come summer and you will have the opposite! Hope you're doing okay my dear...drop me an email sometime if you feel up to it..would love to hear from you.

Anonymous said...

I was going to say I was sorry for you having to deal with so much - but when they are your own children, it really isn't "dealing" is it. More like loving them and trying to solve the problems life throws their way. Hang in there. Sounds like you already have a solution in mind with home schooling!

"J" said...

Stay stong sister!!!! =) Stay stong!!!! =) You are really going through so much!!! I have a friend with a daughter that has adhd and she is now home schooling's helping her out so much...she is a different child when I'm around her!!!! She was going through some of the things Joshua is going through at school...not being able to sleep, etc!!!

Just be there for them teach them what you know!!! It will all work out for the very best!!!

Head up!!!


~ej said...

hugs and prayers terri!!! i know you can handle will do great and izzak sounds like he is doing good with HSing....

Melanie said...

Wow- what a heavy burden you are carrying. I will keep you in my prayers that you can get answers to these questions and the best care.

Amy W said...

I know you know what is best for your kids...and yes, it sounds like Homeschooling was the way to go.

Steffi said...

I agree with all other comments... I am sure and I know you do the best for your kids!

Susie PSU said...

It IS hard to hear that your child is delayed in any area. Even if you already know it.

Thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts are with you at this time given the complexity of issues with both boys.

In particular Joshua - who I feel should receive paediatric consultation with a Neurologist to ascertain his condition.

Such findings may then allow a better understanding and awareness as to his educational abilities.

You can contact me on my new email:

Take Care and you are all in thoughts and prayers - as you have always been - during my recent move to my new home and my absence from blogging.