Yesterday was a busy day. The girls and Joshua are in the Singing Christmas Tree this year at one of the churches and they had practice most the evening since they have 5 performances this weekend. Sunday they sang for our own church at our Christmas's been a busy week.
So my point is I'm behind with Madisons posts. I thought hers would be easy to stick to since it's so much shorter then everyone elses....
So I have pictures for you though.
Madison at 4! All the other kids got bikes for Christmas that year. Madison was still really to little for one so we bought her a little 3 wheel Dora Scooter. She loved it and rode whenever she got the chance for months. This picture is Christmas morning still in her jammies!
A group shot of all the kids when Maddie was 4. She was so little....
The quality isn't the best in this picture but I still really like it. We are at the Rose Festival and they had a science center for the kids at the fair grounds. She was mesmerized by this thing and I just thought she looked so sweet. She kept telling me that it liked her hand and that is why it kept shinning to her.
This picture was taken at a McDonalds (I know eeww!). She was so funny pressing her face into the screen. It was one of our rare occasions to get to go out together with a friend and none of her other siblings.
Summer when Maddie was 5 now.
She has always loved to pose for pictures. This picture actually normally looks a lot better but for some reason it is showing here kind of brighter then normal. Doesn't she look sweet in this picture? Yes?
Now look at the picture below it!
Honestly the shirt she was wearing is the best shirt for her ever!!
Moody Maddie!
She has some interesting tempers.
She also started Kindergarten at 5. Oh how fun that was. I somehow knew with her personality she would be giving her teacher a run for her money. Oh was she fun for her I'm sure. She didn't think anything of talking in class although all the other kids who did she refered to as "the bad kids". Was she one of the "bad kids"? Nope not in her mind. In her mind she should be able to do whatever! She constantly told the teacher what she thought about things....Oh Maddie, Maddie....That kid has always had a strong personality. The teacher didn't always know what to do with her. She wasn't really naughty but she was silly. Class clown? Uhmm yeah! Teacher even described her that way! She thought she was hilarious. It did get to the point that all the teacher had to do was point and Maddie knew to put her head down.....Little bit of a bully? Yep that one too. Oh the stories of things she did. Usually she was the one telling us the stories too! Weird kid.
I love that little (or big) personality of hers though. She is Kenzie polar opposite though I say. Kenzies teachers loved her in class because she is a huge help and almost an adult. Teachers who have had Maddie? Loved having her but admit they are glad to only have one of her. She is both extremely loving but she will give you her opinion without hesitation. One of her visits to her eye dr when she was 5 the doctor asked her a question about something (can't remember the question) her answer to him though was hilarious. I remember her exact words "Well apparently I am!" I wish I remembered what he asked but she used that word apparently so appropriatly the doctor who has 7 kids was a little surprised as he'd never heard a 5 year old use a word like that in the correct way. She did (does) that alot. She loves big words and she always uses them right and totally throws people off. People love meeting her though. She can have you in tears though with her conversations she has. Also this child? Doesn't believe in the easy 20 questions. She goes way beyond that. She isn't satisfied till she knows everything! She is very bright!
15 people had something to say:
I can totally see you in her (or her in you?). These posts are so lovely.
Your Madison is a real cutie - as you have captured so beautifully - including the t-shirt caption....
And how wonderful to read of her converse with her Doctor in such a way - well done Maddie..
And Good Luck to all the kids taking part in the Christmas Show, exhausting but a wonderful time for sure..
Very sweet Maddie!
Oh I don't know! If you managed to stuff all four of them into one frame and take that charming photo then you deserve an award dearie.
This is my calling card or link"Whittereronautism"until blogger comments get themselves sorted out.
I love all the photos...
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Her expressions are just so cute. The 5th picture is beautiful and I love the t-shirt in the picture below that.
She's so adorable!
great to learn even more about little Maddie! so cute and sweet!! and spunky!!
Cute pictures! I sang in a singing Christmas tree a few years ago at our church. It was so fun but I didn't know until after that I was extremely allergic to cedar. I got the worst sinus infection and bronchitis ever in my life! But the singing in the tree was fun............:D
I wish I could have a conversation with her!
You have beautiful kids, Terri:-)
that moody face reminded me for some reason of her post card challenge.
Any idea how many she received?
Hey Terri! yOur kids are such cuties! :D
I'm back...sort of...boy did I ever blow NOBLOPOMO!! Oh well..
love all your pictures..Maddie is quite the kid hey?! Do you ever wonder what they'll be like when they grow up? I enjoy looking at their personalities and thinking about how they'll be when they're older..I've got one like Maddie too..she keeps me on my toes!
Ack, she is so cute!!
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