Thursday, July 17, 2008

Kenzie in Portland

I think I've said it already that Kenzie is in Portland staying with my parents right now for a summer visit.

Here are a couple of pics from a trip to the zoo one day when my friend kept her over night and took her and her kids Simon and Emily to the zoo. Kenzie really had fun on this day and Emily loves Kenzie.

Here is the day before with the girl sharing a sunday on a warm day.

Here they are pointing at something. I'm not exactly sure what though.

And playing on the playground at the zoo. Kenzie is really good with little kids.

I'm having a hard time with her being away right now. She left with my parents on June 20 so it has been 4 weeks since she left. I don't know if it is party because I was already gone from her for those 4 weeks when I was gone or what but I really do miss her. I can honestly say after she gets back on the 31st I think it will be awhile before I let her out of my sight! She is my little princess after all.

I talk to her most days on skype which helps a little but she is really ready to be home herself so she is getting home sick herself which makes me sad. I know that she has plans for the next day and will be fine but I still feel sad, cause I want her home with me now.

8 people had something to say:

Emma in Canada said...

She looks so grown up! When did that happen?

ChrisB said...

I am amazed she copes so well being away from you. I cannot get any of my grandchildren to come and stay with me by themselves. They go to their other granny and I know she lives close if there is a problem, but it does make me fell sad :(

ChrisB said...

'feel' I can't spell!

~ej said...

she does look more grown up....i miss mine terribly when they're at school, so if one was away for a month, i would be a wreck!
it's nice she's having a good time....

Anonymous said...

Aww, that's a long time for a Mom to be away from her little one! Of course you miss her. I hope she's having a great time!

Debbie said...

She's such a beauty. I'll bet she's having a great time and I can imagine how much you miss her.

Frannie said...

i can't imagine my baby being away from me for that long!

I can't wait for her to get back to you!

Scottish Poet said...

McKenzie, has such devoted & loving parents.

You are a credit and inspiration to all.

Indeed, all your kids are so wonderful and you quite rightly proud of them all.

Wonderful photo's too.