I've been pretty busy this week so I haven't posted much and I'm a little late posting about our Saturday.
This Saturday is my Grandmothers 90 birthday party and I've helped my mother plan it. I am also making a scrapbook from several pictures spaning from the time she was born up to her 10 great-grandchildren, that and my cousin and her 3 children are in town. Oh and of course I'm working as well. A little tired......
Anyway on Saturday we got together again with Kellys brother Josh, his 2 girls and my SIL Gloria. We went to the Enchanted Forest in Salem, OR. We had a lot of fun! Click the link and it will tell you more about the park. It would take awhile for me to explain it there are several things to do.
I thought Joshua looked to cute in his jacket and hat!
I kinda got the idea that McKenzie is missing her daddy a bit though. She wouldn't let her Uncle leave her side pretty much the whole day and this was pretty much the picture through most of the park.
In this one are more pictures of the kids getting their pics taken with Abe Lincoln, Joshua going down one of the many slides in the park. Uncle Josh having some quiet time with Madison trying to convince her to come down closer to the stage for the theater production they did. We eventually got her to come down but not until after the play had started and she figured out it wasn't going to be scary!
More pictures of the Storybook Village. If you see the one that looks like a witch, Madison did not go into that one! I think the thought of going into a witches mouth was to creepy for her. One of her favorites is the slide at the end, honestly I can't remember what the story is that it goes to, if the girls were up I'm sure they would remember.

12 people had something to say:
That looks such a fun place for children and adults!! I love the collages- You will have the girls beating a path to Joshua's door that's for sure- he's a handsome guy!!
That looks like so much fun. I did check their website too- so much to do. I love the pictures, I can see what a great time the kids had.
Josh is one fine looking young man, make the most of the next few years because the girls will most definitely be after him.
That looks like a great place to spend the day, I love all the photos.
A funny day!!!Your kids looks really happy and that´s a nice place to play there.I like all your pictures!!
Have a nice weekend,Terri!
one thing about it terri, you've had plenty to do to help keep you busy until you're re-united with your husband. i'm glad you all had fun.
Really enjoyed this post and all wonderful photo's too.
A day of educational history and fun at the same time and Joshua certainly does look the part with the uniform.
I would say you are right about McKenzie - she certainly appears to be missing her daddy.
I love the collages!
Panning for gold has always sounded like fun to me.
The Enchanted Forest sounds like a fun place.
happy birthday to your grandma!!!
I love the pictures of the kids! what a fun place to go hang out!
Joshua looks cute in that jacket - all your kids are adorable, Teri, and that Forest really looks enchanting! :-)
Great photos, Terri. It looks like a really fun place.
You are so lucky to have photos of your grandmother as a baby.
looks like a ton of fun! lots of smiles! I like the dress up photos.
What a fun place to visit! Maybe I should take your cue and do more collages. Everyone has to sift through all of the pics on my blog. :)
I enjoyed the dress-up pics, and Josh IS a cuite pie!
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