Monday, June 30, 2008

Going through photos

So I've been going through some pictures from when I was gone that a friend took of the kids. On this day they were at a block party for our church. Does it look to you like they were having fun??

Joshua always the rebel naturally he is going down headfirst....the wrong way!

So anyway I am really planning on trying to post more again. I really let things slide and don't really have a reason for it. Honestly a lot of time on the computer before my trip had been spent researching homeschool materials and curriculumn for the kids this up coming school year. I am looking forward to it and I was really stressing about what I was going to use but I not doing that so much anymore. I have most of it figured out now. Just a few things left to put together!

Oh and for Kila. Joshua season started in March for baseball. There are only 5 total teams on the island so the season doesn't really go on for to long, also they play probably 4 nights a week at least during the season. If they go to long into the summer they don't have enough boys to play since they are all going to the same summer camps and many go away on family vacations.

12 people had something to say:

philosophy within poetry said...

Glad to see the kids have sun fun - great photo's - even if your Joshua - has a different stance of a slide :)

Time for you to blow the cobwebs from your computer - and bring sunshine through your postings...

Have a great day.

Janice said...

It's ok to tak e a little break from blogging - I get the same way and by the time I feel like writing a post I am way behind, lol. I love those inflatable slides. I have yet to get my kids to go down on it but they are still so scared so they just watch me from the ground :).

~ej said...

have missed your posts and your photos...looks like they are having fun, those inflatable slides scare me but my kids adore them!! glad the HS is coming together! :)

Frannie said...

looks like the kids had a little fun while you were gone! :)

Kila said...

My boys LOVE those huge slides! And thanks for answering my question!

karisma said...

Oh yeah! Aunty Karisma, would SO be having a turn on that! Yay!

Heather K said...

just a quick hello...glad to see you back....come see my pictures of what we've been doing.

ChrisB said...

These photos look like they are having so much fun. I have just got back from a holiday with Beccy so will be posting photos in the coming weeks.

philosophy within poetry said...

Popping over daily to see if any new posts...

Waiting inpatiently - as always...

That Chick Over There said...

I love those big slides too.

Anonymous said...

Just stopping by to say hi! We had a 4th of July party at our church this weekend and they had one of those bouncy slides. Hailey wouldn't go up it though.

Heather K said...

Hi Terri...just checking for a new are you doing? I hope everything is okay with you and yours..
:) take care~Heather