Monday, March 26, 2007

Does this girl look old enough to have a baby?

Seriously look at the picture below.......
Yep thats me when I was pregnant with Izzak..... I looked like I was 12 really also this is how I spent much of the early part of my pregnancy. I was sick as a dog on this day I was actually feeling halfway decent... I was 18 though so I was to young but still....When the hubby and I went out people never thought we could be married honestly he didn't look to much older ....
Kelly and I were 18 when we got married. 2 1/2 months out of high school. Also yes I was pregnant at the time but we had already planned on getting married when we did so that had nothing to do with it. No matter how much my family and others tried to insist it was the reason. We got married and moved the same day to Pheonix Arizona. Kelly was enrolled in a school called Universal Technical Institute, or UTI for short. Can you figure out the nickname I had for it? We lived at first in a teeny tiny studio apartment that in the first picture of my you can see most of it. It consisted of a full size bed (sort of) that when pushed up under a that wood thing and with extra pillows became a couch (once again sort of) I always thought it was weird to have someone over and have them sit in the same place we slept?? There was also a small dresser and a small table with 2 chairs. That was it. Then a tiny hall that was the kitchen if you wanna call it that it didn't have an oven just a 2 burner stove and the fridge was one of those little small fridgerators you get for a college student or to keep beer and soda in you game room.

Kelly went to school and worked at Taco Bell full time. Me I stayed home for one there was no way I could work with how sick I was during the whole pregnancy also it was the first of my 4 complicated pregnancies.

Also the hubby didn't want me to work and once the baby came we couldn't have been able to pay for daycare.

Why am I talking about this today. Because it is 12 days till Izzaks 12th birthday and I thought for the next 12 days I would share something or at least just a picture of Izzak from the his newborn pictures to the day he turns 12. I hope you don't mind I am indulging myself with enjoying my little boys growing up...

Izzak was my biggest at 8 lbs 11 ozs and 20 inches long. He had very large shoulders and big head. Of course that would be the only baby that I have naturally but I will spare you the gory details....aren't I nice?

He was a great baby from the begining though honestly
could you resist that sweet little face. Also some people say you can't tell the difference between boys and girls as newborns but this boy. He looked like a boy to me from day one. Izzak was a very mellow baby.

Probably why we ended up having another 18 months later. Boy were we in for a surprise when his little brother came along. Izzak also was my child who did every thing early physically like he is sitting up here I'm not helping him and he is 4 1/2 months old.

Then he started walking here at 8 1/2 months old.....

Izzak always had a smile on his face....You know his name means laughter. Could we have picked a better one for him?
Izzak also had his first surgery at 7 months but for his sake I am not going to go into explaining what it was for since he would kill me now for discussing it. Also he is standing over my shoulder while I write and even though he can't read much I don't want him to get mad.

This picture is the evening after his surgery he is still knocked out basically but look at those chubby little cheekes and the rolls on his arms. He was to cute.
Also Izzak had some signs of his problems even as a baby, we just didn't know it at the time. Mostly in ways like the fact he couldn't handle to much going on or rather he handled it to well and could shut the entire world out if he was busy doing something. They feel this has a lot to do with why he didn't learn to talk. He never really heard us unless we were specifically talking to him (which we did constantly but I didn't always notice). Yeah its hard to explain.

I do say though that even with all of his disabilities with learning it is so much better then what they told us during my pregnancy. They were convinced based on his ultrasound and some blood work that he had downs syndrome. I refused an amnio so they couldn't be sure but they were convinced. Also while I was pregnant he had a heart problem all the way through the pregnancy. When he was born he was perfection! No heart trouble and a healthy little man was he.

Okay so enough now I gotta go. I will post more pictures tomorrow of him at 1. Sorry if I'm being boring but I am sad he is turning 12 it just feels like the last year he will really be a kid after that he will officially be a teenager.....

6 people had something to say:

Heather K said...

Hey great story! I love hearing peoples stories..The pictures are nice too... he was a cute baby! I think there is something to naming a child and having it become what you name it!! Have a great week!!
I have a child turning 12 in 8 days! I can't believe she is that old already!! time flies!

Emma in Canada said...

Even though 12 is still a year away from teenager status, it seems so much older than 11! I'm not quite over Taylor being 12.

What a great idea to post about him for 12 days! Looking forward to reading.

Portrait of Peter said...

Treasured memories through photo's of your delightful children.

Thank you for sharing your journal of past days. Your writing is one of heartfelt emotion and of devotion for your loving husband and of your children too.

Blessings to a wonderful family.

frannie said...

what a sweet mommy Izzak has!

Beccy said...

What a great idea in the run up to Izzak's birthday.

ChrisB said...

This is going to be a lovely tribute leading up to Izzak's b'day. Loved all these cute photos.