Thursday, March 08, 2007

Hits from Google

Occasionally I look on my stats to see where people come from today someone googled this Free vidoe clip of how to give a kid a good hard spanking . Okay.....why do they want that?
Also it only hit my site by several of these words in different posts that it put together.
I actually get a lot of hits that are strange like this. I don't even want to talk about the hits I got after Izzaks sex ed class :( there are some not cool people out there also apparently there is a tv or something somewhere called My 4 Kids and I get a few hits a day from people looking for that.

So anyway my question is do others get a lot of google hits and what are some strange ones you can think of?

6 people had something to say:

Denise said...

hI THANX for the comment on my blog.I just recently started checking my stats, but need help. I am having a hard time reading and understanding how it works. I will catch up on your blog later, thanx Denise

Beccy said...

I get lots from people looking for peppermint tea, suprise, suprise!

I wrote a post once about shopping for an adult party and got lots of hits on that theme!

Debbie said...

Someone was looking for girls in bikinis. How dissapointed they must have been to see a picture of me on holiday.

Steffi said...

Sometimes it is very funny when you looking by Google....

~ej said...

lol, i get strange hits too, there's a singer (i guess) called elena jane, funny!
i'm a lurker here, via beccy and her tasty peppermint tea (now won't that be a fun google search result) ;)

frannie said...

hi, new to your blog, but have seen your comments on a lot of the blogs that I read.

I'm not sure how to check where my hits come from??