Sunday, January 06, 2008

Fun Monday---Our pets!

This weeks Fun Monday is brought to us by Lisa at Lisa's chaos! Here is what she asks of us this week

Let’s meet your pets. I think most of us have at least one pet and I would like to see your fluffy or scaly pal. If you don’t have a camera you can tell us about him/her/them. If you don’t have a pet tell us about a pet you had or a pet you want. If for some weird reason you hate all animals we want to know why gosh-dang-it.

Well technically I have 2 pets of our own here is our little 7 week old puppy Kodiak!

She is a mixed puppy but people are always wanting to know what she is. Her momma was a blue heeler with about a 10th border collie and the father was a huskey with a little red heeler. She takes after her momma and mostly looks and acts like a heeler. She is very spunky and very smart already. We just brought her home this weekend but have been around her all the time since she was born we were actually there just minutes after she was born so she knows us very well and has no problems with coming home away from her momma.

Of course the coming home was a little easier because Kelly's brother Josh who lives with us has one of her littermates Kiska! So she has her sister to play with all the time. As you can see Kiska got more from her father side in coloring and even personality! These puppies are doing great and paper trained most of the time.

When I said we had two pets technically I was meaning that Kiska technically isn't ours so our second pet would be this weird cat here. His name is Merlin and he is just plain weird as you can see. If he is laying on a bed or something he sprawls out like this but he is always on a search for a box or basket to sleep in instead.s

Okay so I popped in today to do Fun Monday but we are very busy at the moment moving so I will have to end this one short or I would tell you so much more. I hope to get around to see everyone elses pets this week but may be in a day or two!

Have a great week!

32 people had something to say:

the planet of janet said...

cute pups! nothing like the interactions of littermates. our two have a love/hate relationship!

Peter said...

Hi Terri, I'm wondering how common a blue heeler would be over there? here in Australia they are known as the Australian cattle dog.
Cute pup antway.

Gattina said...

The puppies are really cute and your cat looks like my Rosie she also spreads herself over the whole place and takes a lot of room, lol !

Hootin Anni said...

Awwwwwwwwwwww, how adorable! Great photos. I'm really enjoying this week's theme.

Have a great Fun Monday!

thefoodsnob said...

Oh my gosh, the pups are so cute!
I think a weird cat is the best cat ;)


Kaytabug said...

The puppies are adorable!! Our neighbors have 2 blue heelers.
My male cat loves boxes, and they both can be caught sleeping like a dog, on their back all 4 legs wide open! My cats Momma looks like your Merlin.
Good luck with the moving.

Anonymous said...

You are allowed a break - especially when you show the photo's of the wee puppies and a cat - whose status is evident when sleeping.

Keep up with the move...

Unknown said...

Oh the puppies are so sweet! Great job on their pics too, I know that can be fun!

Sandy said...

Oh my gosh, now I have puppy lust!

Good luck with the moving...

ChrisB said...

Every time I see your puppy pictures I feel quite envious even though I've no real longing for another dog! I am really enjoying seeing everyone's pets.
Hope the move went well.

Beccy said...

They have to be the most adoable puppies ever!

Joy T. said...

I usually lurk over here but since I'm popping out for Fun Monday I just have to say how much I LOVE your header! Now. Your animals are all so cute. The first thing I thought of when I saw the first pup was Blue Heeler, she's very very pretty. As are all your animals. Good luck with the move!

frannie said...

hope the move in going well and that you are all feeling better!!!

Tiggerlane said...

Those puppies are so PRECIOUS! Okay - and the cat, too - but I'm a dog person, to the max.

Love the new masthead, btw!

Alison said...

Cute pups...our Tucker lays just like your cat!! too funny!

Anonymous said...

What a perfect name for an Alaskan dog! What a cutie. And, I think most cats are a little weird. So, yours is just normal.

kitten said...

Awwww! How cute!

Pamela said...

oh ho ho ho.. your Merlin even has a little soul patch on his chin...

I love the smell of puppies breath. It's addicting.

Anonymous said...

That (those) puppies are so cute. I love little puppies. Merlin looks like quite a character. I love how cats can sleep in any position and look really comfortable doing it.

Kila said...

Too bad puppies grow up so fast!

Good luck with your moving/settling in!

Heather K said...

everyone must be so excited to have the puppies home now! They're soo cute...hope the move is going well!
take care...
ps. hope you're feeling better.

Steffi said...

your puppies are really cute!

Amy W said...


Anonymous said...

Love Love Love that header with all those kiddos' pics up there.
What cuties they all are.

That is going to be one smart pup.
Blue Heeler and Border Collie?
That dog will have its own blog some day.

karisma said...

The puppies are still very cute. It was also nice to meet the cat.

Stacy said...

I cant believe how long I have been gone off the blog. I is amazing how much has happened! Love the new blog! Awesome looking! The puppys are adorable!!! You moved? Wow. I hope you are now feeling better. I hope Kenzie is feeling better. Please keep us posted on how she is doing. I am sure you will. Sorry I have not visited in so long. Glad you made it through Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Little puppies are always so cute. Some stay that way when they grow up. Hope your Kodiak stays cute.

I like spazy cats like that. They just do what they want for no reason at all.

Jo Beaufoix said...

Hee hee, those pups are gorgeous and Merlin is hilarious. :D

-Ann said...

Kodiak? Kodiak! No way! My best dog in life is named Kodiak. :)

The new Fun Monday topic is now available. :)

Squishy Tushy said...

I could look at pictures of your puppies all day. Truly.

Cynthia said...

Cats are great. they always have such funny quirks!

~ej said...

ahh, i wondered where the two pups in the photos came the cat (i'm a kitty person)....